There are no dishes or antennas in this setup. All that is required is an internet connection.
You can order the service using your device or app. Our IPTV service is compatible with all devices and apps.
We have more than 100 best and most stable servers. You do not need to worry about the stability of the server.
We regularly update the service and add new TV channels and VODs. If you subscribe, you will receive any updates for free for the duration of your subscription.
When compared to traditional cable TV, IPTV4KPT Provider offers a more flexible video experience to your subscribe. You will be able to choose from a wide range of popular national and International channels, all in one service, eliminating the need to subscribe to multiple streaming service.
IPTV Portuguese Package
Premuim IPTV Package
Premuim IPTV Package
Premuim IPTV Full Package